Ground, connect and center

Learnings, teachings and personal stories of myself, for anyone exploring the world of spirituality, healing and energy work.

Inge Inge

Why you should be grounding every day

As highly sensitive people, and even more so as highly spiritual people, one practice you have to implement as often as possible is grounding.

Grounding is about bringing that energy and that awareness back to your Self, to your body.

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Inge Inge

How to recognize intuition and spirit communication

How do you know it's your intuition that's talking to you? And what if you are not feeling anything? Does that mean you're not intuitive? This is a subject that's been gnawing at me for some time and here’s my take on it …

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Inge Inge

Trust Yourself

This is a message that’s been coming through several times in the past few weeks. We all doubt ourself, we all have insecurities. Those insecurities are coming from an idea that we don’t fit the model. We don’t fit what people think we should be or do.

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Inge Inge

5 Steps to shifting your vibration

It's in that moment that my brain learns that it's much safer when you know what's going to happen and that uncertainty can be dangerous. Now one part of learning to raise your vibration, is learning to look into these things and shift them.

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Inge Inge

What is Shadow work and how do you do it?

More than ever before do I hear people questioning the way they are living their life, the things they do and even the way of thinking. With this forced almost stand still, we collectively spent more time taking walks in nature, spending time with our husband and kids and also with ourselves. And that inevitably leads to inner work and soul searching. And it seems that it’s bringing up a lot of ghosts from the past for many people.

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Inge Inge

Is there life after death?

I know many of us have lost loved ones over the past year, and today I felt called to write this blogpost. I wanted to share with you a story that changed my feelings about death. Losing the people we love from this physical plane is never easy, we always feel left behind and alone in our grief. But one thing you have to understand is that our loved ones never really leave us.

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Inge Inge

What are realities, frequencies and dimensions?

So what’s all this talk about 5D you wonder? It’s one of those terms that have been thrown around a lot lately, if you’re keeping in touch with spiritual sources. And maybe, just like me some time ago, you’re wondering what the heck it’s all about.

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Inge Inge

What is your Soul Purpose?

Do you ever wonder what it is you are here to do? What is your purpose in life ? The past few months, as I have grown more and more into myself, and as I have been guided along this path

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Inge Inge

How can you raise your vibration?

It's been a journey throughout my life, trying to keep a balance between day to day life and incorporating my spiritual practice in my daily routines. I've had times when I felt super connected to everything, and I've had times (years even) when that part of me felt miles away. And even though I wanted to be and feel connected, I just didn't.

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Inge Inge

How can you heal yourself through your ancestors?

What if not only genes are passed on, but also energy? In fact science has already proven that trauma’s that happened before we develop a conscience mind can have an impact on a persons personality and further life.

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Inge Inge

How to bend time?

Time is relevant, Einstein told us over a hundred years ago. Well guess what? He was right. But I’m not about to explain to you the details of Einsteins theory of relativity here in this blog post, that is way over my head. No, what I want to talk about today is how the Law of Attraction can bend time for us.

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