What is your Soul Purpose?

Do you ever wonder what it is you are here to do? What is your purpose in life ?

The past few months, as I have grown more and more into myself, and as I have been guided along this path of spiritual growth, more and more people have opened up to me about their own journey. And more often than not, this were peoplewho were not exactly the spiritual type before.

I cannot even count anymore the times that people have told me how they are starting to see things differently and how they are becoming more and more conscious about themselves, life and things beyond life.

They say that there is a collective spiritual awakening going on, and that may sound very woowoo, but I honestly have been feeling and seeing how true that is. We are all souls on a mission.

Everyone has a purpose in life, just not everyone is aware of it. We all lead a bunch of different lives one after another, until our soul purpose is fullfilled. And in each lifetime yo work towards fullfilling that purpose. Each life teaches you lessons, or gives you opportunities to prove that you have learned certain lessons.

What is a purpose, you ask? It can be so many different things. But it’s not something like a career or an individual role. On an individual level, your soul also has lessons to learn, but it’s not the same as your purpose in this life. It’s more general than that. A life purpose is about serving the collective. Like spreading knowledge, teaching something that will help make a difference on a grand scale or helping to raise the collective frequency in one way or another. You life purpose will usually be about helping others .

When certain big life patterns keep repeating itself, it’s fair to say it’s got something to do with your soul’s lessons. It’s Spirit showing you were to go.

the closer you soul comes to fulfilling its purpose, the more you realize consciously what it is that you are here to do.

The universe always guides you. It’s like following breadcrumbs to your final destination. Change can be scary sometimes, but if you stay true to yourself, things will always unfold as they are meant to. And you will be in for one surprise after another.

How do you find your purpose?

  • Live your life in passion and joy

Think about what it is that you REALLY love doing.

What did you dream about as a kid? When we are young, we are still connected to the divine source.

As we grow up, cultural and evironmental influences become stronger, and we are not so much connected anymore. (you can’t really loose the connection, it’s always there, you are just no longer aware of it)

But the things you dreamed about as a kid, can give you a clue as to where your soul purpose lies. And we’re not talking about getting a pony.

  • Repeating patterns.

Things that cross your path again and again, are like roadsigns that tell you where you need to go

If certain events or patterns keep repeating themselves in your life, it’s time to dig deeper into what lies underneath. Don’t be afraid to jump down the rabbit hole.

For many – well for everybody really, this spiritual growth, this awakening goes hand in hand with healing deep wounds. Some wounds you didn’t even remember were there.

Healing can be painful and take a long time. If you want to read more about the process of healing yourself, I wrote a blog about it last summer.

  • Stay grounded and connected with your higher self.

Go for walks in nature, meditate. Not only is it fun and relaxing, it’s the best way to clear off any negativity you may be carrying around.

On top of that, our past lives and everything your soul has gone through, and what it is you are meant to do, are stored in your aura. Your aura and your chakra’s form your energetic body. So becoming more aware of your energetic body, by connecting to high frequency energy around you (nature), will in time bring back the awareness, connection and memory of your souls mission.

  • Take care of yourself

We all have lessons to learn in this lifetime. Don’t be afraid to learn them. If you are ready to heal the things inside you that need healing, just say the words, Spirit will show up for you. This healing can be all kinds of things. But since most of us have not taken very good care of our energetic body in the first part of our life, there can be quite a bit of darkness stuck in our chakra’s and aura’s. On top of that, we have so much history in our family line (not just the last generations, but waayyyy back in time), but barely anybody has taken a moment to release all of the hurt that may still be stuck in that ancestral energy.

So take care of yourself, physically and emotionally, but also energetically. Our energetic body has been neglected for way too long and it’s time to give it the attention it deserves again.

  • Trust

Trust the universe to guide you. Trust the signs you are getting. No, don’t worry, you are not imagining things. Trust that everything happens in divine timing. Sometimes when we start down a new path, we are so excited and can’t wait to explore everything. But it doesn’t work that way. Everything has it’s own timing, and you need to trust that.


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