How can you raise your vibration?
It's been a journey throughout my life, trying to keep a balance between day to day life and incorporating my spiritual practice in my daily routines. I've had times when I felt super connected to everything, and I've had times (years even) when that part of me felt miles away. And even though I wanted to be and feel connected, I just didn't.
Sometimes life just takes over and that's ok. Sometimes it's a bit harder to keep our balance.
This time on Earth is a rather special time, with Halloween just around the corner, and spirit activity so high. Adding this whole Covid situation, just makes it all extra spicy. And in the midst of all of this I just had a really intense time on my job, and the blog and my daily grounding and spiritual practice all just went to the background.
Because I've had longtime periods of being very much disconnected in the past, I was afraid this time would be like that again. That I wouldn't have the time to do the things my soul needs to do.
My guides said, "Don't worry, you will be just fine. Certain things can never be undone. Spiritual growth is one of them."
You can't always stay high vibe 100% of the time. Your vibes will lower now and then. But the point is to become aware of this and to gently get back to that higher vibe state, where everything just flows more effortlessly.
So how do you do that?
Try to surround yourself with higher vibrations and your energy will automatically be leveled up.
Here are 10 examples to do that:
Listen to positive, high vibe podcasts about abundance and spiritual practices that feel right to you.
Go out into nature. Nature is the easiest way to raise your vibration. Being surrounded by trees, plants and animals will automatically pick up your frequencies.
When you are outside, take a moment to ground yourself. Feel your feet on the earth, raise your arms to the sky. Connect to the energy above and below you and feel how it flows through you and lights you up.
If you can't physically go out into nature, listen to nature sounds on your computer. Studies have shown that even listening to nature sounds can raise your vibration and increase feelings of wellness.
Whenever you can, even if it's just five minutes, take a moment to ground and center. Visualize all the heavy and negative emotions sinking into the earth to be recycled. You can even do this in the bathroom at work if you have to.
Don't waste your time around negative people, they will only drag you down.
Use and diffuse essential oils, as they are the high vibrational extract from plants (Pay attention to use high quality oils and not those you can get in any store!).
Use crystals, they too have a very high vibration and certain crystals can absorb negative energies. Place them on your desk, carry them in your pocket, ...
Do an oracle card reading. This usually helps me to tune in again and clear my path of clutter.
Visualize an orb of protective light around yourself. This way lower frequency energies will have more difficulty reaching you.
And remember always, you are beautiful, bright and so worthy ! You have your own special job to fullfill here, trust your intuition. Your soul knows the way!
Much love!