What are realities, frequencies and dimensions?

So what’s all this talk about 5D you wonder? It’s one of those terms that have been thrown around a lot lately, if you’re keeping in touch with spiritual sources. And maybe, just like me some time ago, you’re wondering what the heck it’s all about. Let me explain what I’ve learned along the way.

The first and most important concept to understand before we dive into the numbers, is that all and everything is made up of energy. It’s one of the first lessons in chemistry in high school. Everything is energy. The air is energy, the chair is energy, the table is energy, the walls are energy, trees and plants are energy, the cat is energy, and yes you and me too are … you guessed it, energy. Literally everything, in whatever state it is (gas, liquid, solid,…), is made up of molecules vibrating on a certain frequency. The very planet we live on has a specific level of vibration. It is all energy.

Not only the physical things, but also our emotions are energy and vibrations. Negative emotions like fear, anger, frustration, rage, … have a denser energy than positive emotions like happiness, joy, love, gratitude.

And all this energy vibrates on a certain level, on a frequency. The spectrum of these frequencies is so vast, so large, we don’t even know where it ends. There are so many frequencies we can’t even measure yet.

Anyway, so most of the things we can see vibrate on a the lower part of the spectrum, they are solid objects. But the less dense things become, the higher their frequency. And this is where the fun starts.

The things we can’t see, such as spirits, faeries, angels, and the whole range of spiritual helpers are there, on those higher frequencies.

So what’s this got to do with the numbers 3D, 4D, 5D , … ?

The D stands for dimension, which you could sort of understand as a range of frequencies. All of these frequencies, these dimensions, they all exist, right here, right now, always and everywhere. They are all stacked on top of each other. The only thing is, our own frequency not does not yet permit to perceive them all.

The current energetic level we vibrate on is associated with the Third Dimension (3D) and Fourth Dimension (4D). This is also linked to our own energy, our emotions, our intentions, all of it. In the 3D reality we still experience a lot of duality. It’s a dimension that still holds a lot of the heavier emotions : shame, guilt, fear, … We still think from our ego, trying to control others, causing polarization, labelling everything and everyone. BUT, this reality also holds an open door to the 4th dimension, as this is necessary to allow the ascension process. Despite still holding a lot of this negative energy, this Third Dimension also allows us to start looking within. To recognize that maybe there are better ways of doing things.

The Fourth Dimension (4D) holds a higher frequency that allows us to recognize what’s going on. It allows us to recognize the manipulation that is happening. And in that realisation lies the gateway to 5D. We accept the darkness and intent on doing better, we turn the shadows into light (hence the term Shadowwork). We choose to align with our higher self, and we can leave the old paradigms behind.

Then finally the 5D reality is about seeing where you are in the collective, realising that we are all one and that what effects one, effects us all. It’s about holding that higher frequency ona conscious level, and choosing not to live in fear or anger, but to live in service of all, because we are all one. And what serves the collective also serves our own highest purpose.

These dimensions are about the collective consciousness. Most of us, in consciousness, exist in one of those three realities. Some people still lean more to 3D and others tend to shift more and more into 5D. But it doesn’t end there. There are still other dimensions, on higher frequencies that we can’t access yet. And those frequencies are the ones where for example, our deceased loved ones exist (at least for a while) when they have passed.

But that, my dears, is a whole other blog post!

Much love and light,



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