Is there life after death?

I know many of us have lost loved ones over the past year, and today I felt called to write this blogpost. I wanted to share with you a story that changed my feelings about death.

Losing the people we love from this physical plane is never easy, we always feel left behind and alone in our grief. But one thing you have to understand is that our loved ones never really leave us.

Let me tell you about something that happened last year…

One of my best friends lost her father, very unexpectedly. He suddenly got very sick and passed away in a few days time. During the time that he was still in the hospital, I had reached out to him in spirit, wanting to send him healing. However, to my surprise, the message that I received was that there was no healing to be done, it was his time to go. I sent healing anyway, desperately. It was my stubborn human part that could not accept the idea that my friend’s father was going to die, even though I knew and felt that the healing I was sending did not help.

Her father passed away that night.

We were all heartbroken with her.

In the days after I replayed the contact I had had with him several times in my head, trying to understand why he had to go. I realized that my intuition had been right, even if I had so much wanted it to be wrong. I had clearly, very clearly felt that the energy I was sending was good, but it did not serve his body. It was like a bottomless pit. His guides and my guides were saying ‘it’s ok, you can send healing, it will serve his soul, but it will not change his path.’

Two weeks later I was sitting in my car. And in an attempt to mean something for my friend, I reached out to her father in spirit and asked if he was ok and if there was a message I could pass on to his daughter when I next saw her.

Beside something particular between the two of them, he also ‘told’ me that he was ok, though he felt a bit sad and guilty about having to leave his daughter this way. This were not words in my head, he conveyed the message to me through feelings and images. I also felt he was a bit shaken and confused himself, adjusting to his new form and frequency. But the general message was that he was ok and wished to send much love to his daughter.

It took a few more days before I got a chance to share this message with her, because I had not told her anything yet, not even that I had had contact with him when he was still in the hospital.

When I finally told her all that had happened, she accepted the message bravely – communicating with spirits is not exactly her world.

She tried to keep an open mind as she listened to my experiences and I tried to answer her questions as well as I could.

One particular thing was bothering her though: she and her father had had an argument a few days prior to his passing and she was afraid that he was angry with her for that. As I closed my eyes and made the connection with my guides and her father if he wanted to talk to us, the answer came as quickly as it could: LOVE. I almost felt like I had to smile indulgingly. No, there was not a spark of anger in this message. The feeling that was transmitted to me was one of pure love and it felt really good to be able to reassure her so clearly.

My guides stepped in to explain it more clearly. When people pass away, they move on to a higher frequency. Anger is a lower vibrational frequency. When we move on to that higher frequency, we leave lower vibrations behind. The place (dimension, realm, whatever you want to call it… ) where our loved ones reside after passing, is a frequency of love and light, where there is no room for anger, or jealousy or revenge, or any other low vibe emotion.

Since that experience, I’ve had more insights coming through via my guides as they continued to explain to me how this world actually works. There is so much more than what we can see.

They are allright, our loved ones. And as difficult as it may be, its part of their path and part of our path. And acceptance is so important in this process.

Because when we refuse to let them go, it also makes it more difficult for them to continue their journey.

Our soul’s journey does not stop when we cross over. All through our life and even after, it’s a journey of rising ever higher in frequency. Until at one point we decide that it’s time for another experience, whatever that may be. And then we start a new journey.

Right when our loved ones pass away, they are still very close to us, in terms of vibrational layers. They cross the threshold of the physical world, and they leave their physical bodies behind, but they are just on the other side of the veil so to speak. That’s why it’s easier for them to contact us in that early stage. Our vibrations are not too far apart yet. But they are not supposed to stay here, they too have to move on, to even higher layers.

And just as we have to adjust to a new life without them, so do they have to adjust to their new form and new vibration. And just as we have to let go of them, they also have to let us go. Which is just as hard for them as it is for us. They want to make sure we are doing ok. Especially in the beginning, they like to check in on us, keep an eye out for us. It’s like when you drop your kid of at their first day of school or daycare. At first you’ll want to make sure they are doing ok and you’ll stay close. But over time, it becomes easier to let them be, because you know they are alright.

I recently listened to the Ginette Biro’s Podcast (recommended if you like listening to podcasts!), where she uses a beautiful metaphor: our bodies are like a jacket. And when it’s time to move on, we just take off this jacket. But our souls are still the same, nothing changes, except we no longer wear our jacket, we no longer have our physical bodies.

As we move to that higher frequency (by choice, because we always have free will), we leave behind all the stress and worries, and we gain so much insight about the life we have led. There is just so much compassion for ourselves and for everybody else.

So, to conclude, if you are missing someone who passed away, know that they can still hear you. They are still around, even if we can’t see them. They are guiding us, from a place of love and light.

I’ll end with a quote from a beautiful postcard I once found:

“Don’t miss me too much, the view is nice and I’m doing just fine.”


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