Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything.
Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.
The journey back to Moon.
My name is Inge and I live in a beautiful town Merelbeke , Belgium.
I’ve was lucky enough to learn so much from so many wonderful people, but the truth is that most of the knowledge I’ve gathered was a quest on my own. For a long time, I dismissed it all as a very active imagination. But I discovered it wasn’t simply my imagination. I discovered that other people experienced the same things and that even names existed for the things that happened to me.
I started to investigate more, read books and articles that explained a lot of what was happening, and I’ve had several encounters that were definitely not imaginary. Twenty years ago, information about energy, spirits and how this all works was not widely available. I learned through experience, through trial and error.
It may not surprise you that as an energy worker, I am very sensitive to energy. However it was only in my mid twenties that I was able to put a name to what I was feeling. Both HSP and Empath are terms to describe how my senses work. I have a very sensitive nervous system in the sense that I sometimes physically feel what people are feeling, but I also emotionally sense what’s going on with other people. Learning to control these gifts instead of letting them control me was a game changer for sure.
The road to becoming a Reiki Master was validation and confirmation of what I had been instinctively doing all my life.
My gifts and practice have been hidden and private for a very long time and it’s only recently that I’ve plucked up the courage to share this (essential) part of me publicly.
The next phase of my life was about becoming a coach. It was something I’d been wanting to do for years, but as often happens, it wasn’t the right timing until it was the right timing.
Guiding people back to their authentic self is one of the most satisfying things I could ever do. Watching wounds being healed, walls coming down and flowers blossom is indescribably beautiful.
I know now that I’m not meant to hide away in the shadows, but that I’m here to help others develop the natural gifts they have. I’m here to teach, inform and last but not least help heal whatever needs to be healed.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I love a good chat :)
Love & light
The story behind the name
Life and Moon isn't just any name that I picked. And It's not simply because I am fascinated by the moon and I want to tell you about my life (although that is also true xD). There's a story behind Life and Moon and how it came to be.
Here goes…
When I was a teenager, I was introduced to Wicca by one of my friends. It felt like the world finally made sense and that I'd found a beliefsystem that I could fully support. After a few years of reading books and searching the realms of the first search engines online, I stumbled upon an online community (we're talking the age of the forums here, for those of you old enough to remember), The Village. And much as the name gives it away, it truly was a Village, a community of pagans, witches and open minded soul searchers. As was the common way back then, I had to choose an online nickname. I became Moonfeary, Moon for my online friends.
At that time, I struggled to find a balance between the real life, people pleasing, traumatized version of me, and the honest, true to her soul Moonfeary.
After a few years, the online world changed (damn you, Facebook) and our online community fell apart. I didn't know anyone who was like me in the real world, and definitely not in my close environment.
I started feeling something was gnawing at me. Something was off, but I could pinpoint exactly what that was.
Until the moment that it hit me. I was walking to the local grocery store and I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks. I looked at my feet and I realized what had been bugging me. I heard the word in my mind. UPROOTED. Yes, that's what it was, I felt uprooted. Like I didn't have roots anymore, like I had forgotten who I was. I'd gotten so far from myself, in trying to make people love me, that I had completely lost myself.
And thus the journey back began.
I started writing again. I am a writer, always have been, even as a kid.
My blog was born : Back to Moon.
It was my promise to myself, get back to me, back to the real me.
The blog was private, so you won't find it anywhere, don't worry :P
But it helped. It did what it was meant to do, help me see the real me again.
Eventually the blog evolved into a more public blog, with articles about my experiences and my spiritual path.
The blog became the current website :
Moon standing for a combination of 1. me and my personal journey and 2. thé moon, being a symbol of intuition, spirituality and mysticism.
So Life and Moon really is about incorporating all of this into your life, becoming whole, staying true to our essential nature.