5 Steps to shifting your vibration

When I was at work yesterday, I got triggered by something. I had been asked to assist in a certain test, and I had said yes of course, without discussing all the details. So when I arrived at work yesterday, I tried to find the person who was conducting this test, but couldn't find her. So I didn't know what was going to happen. Was the test still on? What was expected of me? When?

All these uncertainties triggered some slight nervousness.

So I took a deep breath and asked myself why this situation triggered me.

The answer came pretty quickly.

I felt like I had no control over that moment. I did not know what was going to happen. And it caused anxiety. Being in control provides a sense of security. It feels safe, because you know what to expect.

 For me, this linked back to my childhood. And a very specific moment : I'm eleven, and staying with my grandparents over the summer. At one point, the doorbell rings. Someone is bringing the news of my mother's death.

It changes everything. It's a lightning strike in a clear blue sky.

It's that moment that my brain learns that it's much safer when you know what's going to happen and that uncertainty can be dangerous.

 Now one part of learning to raise your vibration, is learning to look into these things and shift them.


Shifting negative energy

There are a few steps to go through to that help you shift this energy.

  1. Become aware of what's happening.

    Awareness is always the first step to change. Become aware, but don't judge. Judging yourself will lower your vibration even further

  2. Calm yourself.

    If this is a situation causing you serious anxiety, remove yourself from the situation if you can, go somewhere where you can calm down. Focus on your breathing. One of the excercises you can do is the square breathing (breath in 4 counts, hold for 4, breath out 4 counts, hold for 4, or any variation if 4 counts is too long or too short). Make sure you breathe through your belly. Put your hand on your belly and notice your belly go up and down.

  3. Untangle your thoughts

    Once you've calmed down, and you can think a bit more rationally, ask yourself, What's your brain telling you? Where did you learn this thought pattern?

    Don't judge, but just get curious. 

  4. Shift your thoughts

    Once you’ve figured out what is going on, you can start a conversation with yourself. Is what you are thinking true?

    If the trigger was caused by programming dating back from your childhood, connect to your Inner Child, that younger version of yourself. What did you need to hear at that point? What can you tell yourself in similar situations to remind yourself that it's ok?

  5. Replace with love.

    Emotions like anger, hurt, frustration, etc… are of a lower vibration. Happiness, love, joy, … are emotions that carry a higher vibration. Shifting out of a low vibration can be done, simply by connecting to a higher vibration.

    Breathe into your heart, think of moments of joy and love. There is no place for anger or fear when you are feeling positive emotions such as joy, love, happiness etc.

    Gratitude is also a great way to connect to a higher vibration. Make a list of things to be grateful for, and connect to that feeling deeply in your heart.


Trust Yourself


What is Shadow work and how do you do it?