How to bend time?
Time is relevant, Einstein told us over a hundred years ago. Well guess what? He was right. But I’m not about to explain to you the details of Einsteins theory of relativity here in this blog post, that is way over my head.
No, what I want to talk about today is how the Law of Attraction can bend time for us.
It sounds very sci-fi, doesn’t it? You’re probably going like, yeah right in your dreams. Well I was right there with you when I first read about it 20 years ago. I read about this principle in one of the first books about witchcraft I read, when I was just starting on this journey. Back then it was called magick, now we called it the law of attraction. But it’s the same thing. You make happen what you want, you bend the universe to your advantage.
And it is so simple.
You can not believe how simple it is.
As a university graduate, I like to understand the science behind things. But unfortunately I’m not smart enough to fully grasp how quantum physics work. I’m a master in criminology, and ‘real’ science (because apparently humane sciences are not ‘real’ science :P) is beyond my comprehension.
So I read about this very very simple principle or bending time, or stretching time, 20 years ago, and I have used it many times since then.
Law of Attraction
Maybe I should explain about the Law of Attraction first.
The Law of Attraction states that you can bring both positive and negative thoughts into your reality. Consciously and unconsciously we transform the things in our minds from being simple thoughts to being true.
Science, and more specifically quantum physics, is more and more able to prove the mechanics behind the Law of Attraction. If you are interested in this, you should definitely look it up, it will blow your mind. You can also read about how the Law of Attraction can be traced through history.
The principle of how everything is energy, and how all of this energy shapes our day to day world, is limitless.
One theory is that our universe exists in many different timelines, like millions of different time lines. Every possible option you can imagine, every possible choice you can make, already exists and is being played out on a different timeline.
The law of Attraction consists of you making a choice, visualizing a different outcome or situation so clearly, that it can actually make you change timelines.
Stretching time
So if you can change and manifest basically anything you want if your mindset is strong enough, why would you not be able to change time?
You can actually do this and experience this for yourself in a simple manner. This is one way that I’ve done this myself, several times.
Say, you are on your way to work and you are running late because well, kids and family and household happened. You know how that goes …
You can envision yourself still arriving on time. In theory you should be able to do this for any amount of time, but I’ve made this work several times for more realistic times, like everywhere between 5 and 20 minutes.
In ‘normal’ time I would arrive late at work, and by stretching time, manifesting the reality that I want, I manage to arrive at work just in time.
The key is to SEE it happening, to KNOW that that is your truth. To BELIEVE it, FEEL it, as real is it can be. I actually see myself arriving in time, I see the time as I arrive at work, before it actually happens.
The more you can make that reality real in your mind, the better chance it has of becoming your actual reality.