How can you heal yourself through your ancestors?
Healing yourself through your ancestors
We all understand about DNA and genetics, right? We all know how cells split and how you got 50% of DNA from your mother and 50% from your father and how they too carry the DNA of their parents, grandparents and so on. That’s how your looks are determined, and a certain part of your body structure and personality. We consider it common knowledge that part of who we are was passed on to us from our family line through our genes.
So what if we apply this principle, that who we are is partly determined by who our ancestors were, to our energetic body? What if not only genes are passed on, but also energy?
In fact science has already proven that trauma’s that happened before we develop a conscience mind can have an impact on a persons personality and further life. For example one person can have an irrational fear, that does not seem linked to any trauma he has ever experiences, but it can be linked to trauma experienced by their ancestors. And this can be in a really short or really long line. It could be a trauma experienced by your mother, or a trauma experienced by ancestors way back.
For a lot of Afro Americans by exemple, this astrologically crazy year that is 2020, has brought up a lot of ancestral trauma’s that are linked to their ancestral history of slavery, colonialism etc. Our energetic body still holds the emotional energy and energetic patterns of our ancestors, which causes people in this generation to feel disconnected or have lower energy vibrations. When severe negative energies are passed on to next generations, people can feel stuck in these lower energies. And if you are stuck in lower energies, you will attract lower energy situations and people, causing you to live a life filled with frustration, anger, fear, anxiety and so on. It doesn’t have to be present all over your day to day life, but it can show itself in certain negative patterns.
Recently I was doing a healing session, where I felt a clear energy block in the second (sacral) chakra. I put my hands on her womb and suddenly her grandmother (who was no longer with the living) showed up and assisted me in the healing of the womb and the umbilical cord to her ancestors. Afterwards I told this person what happened and she told me about how her grandmother had a incredibly traumatizing experiences with one of her pregnancies. On top of that, she herself had experienced a very traumatic situation with giving birth as well. Of course, that explained a lot about the energy block in the second chakra. With ancestral trauma, certain patterns can keep repeating themselves, until healing happens in the person living now, and in the ancestral line.
In my own family line, alcoholism has been one of these patterns. Even though it seems to each time skip a generation, it’s one of the negative energies that run through our family. And consequently it is one of my greatest fears for my son. Fortunately I’ve become aware that it is something that I can heal. Negative energy can be transformed and so I’ve planned a ancestral healing ritual for this next full moon.
Here’s how I’ll go about it :
First I’ll try to get some more information about the origins of this pattern through my guides and ancestors. Ideally we can figure out exactly how this pattern started. I am aware of at least three generations suffering from this, but it may go back even further.
Secondly I’ll do a meditation next week, sending healing up (and down) through the family line, and if possible healing the original source.
If you think you need ancestral healing, but have no experience with energy work or shamanism, please find someone who can do it for you and with you. Shamanic journeys can get really intense and sometimes even dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing.
Always, always surround yourself with protective energies whenever you do any kind of energy work.
One thing you can always do, is send love and light to your ancestors. As you know, energy reacts to intention. So sending out the clear intention of wanting to heal your family line can definitely be the first step to start the healing.
Should you need help finding help, I am here to help
Seriously, you can always reach out to me with any questions, I may not always have the answers, but there’s a good chance I can point you in the right direction.
Much love and light to you all