How to recognize intuition and spirit communication
How do you know it's your intuition that's talking to you? And what if you are not feeling anything? Does that mean you're not intuitive?
This is a subject that's been gnawing at me for some time and here’s my take on it …
Intuition is often described as a 'gut' feeling.
For starters, I think it's broader than that, and it's more located somewhere between your heart and your gut.
But then I always consider how this is for me, and I don't always have a 'gut' feeling. Sometimes, my intuition works through my head. Sometimes I just know what the right decision is, without it making much sense or having an entire thought process.
So which of the two is it? It's both actually…. Let me try and explain …
What is intuition and how can it present itself?
Your intuition actually means being in alignment with your Soul, your Higher self. When you are in alignment, things flow, and you feel happy and joyful. Everything is easy and when obstacles occur, you can see the bigger picture and it's not hard to make a decision.
This being in alignment also manifests on the physical level. It means you actually know how to listen to your body, you recognize the things your body is telling you and the subtle signs of needs that are not being met.
You become much more aware of the energy in your body and you feel when something is blocked.
Examples can be:
- intuitive eating (really listening to your body to tell you what nutrients it needs at that moment),
Or using your body to make a decision (paying attention to the different feelings with the different options you are considering)
When you are in alignment with your intuition, you feel light.
Does that automatically mean that whatever happens in the mind is not intuitive?
And this is where it gets tricky to explain.
Are they just thoughts or is it Spirit communicating?
When it comes to the mind, there's a difference between thought processes and spirit communication.
Let me first go into thought processes. This is something we all know very well. We get stuck in our mind, we worry about what to do, maybe make a list of pro's and con's. We look at the subject from different angles an we spend hours stressing ourselves out.
This is obviously not your intuition.
Your intuition is something that comes to you right away. It's only a matter of paying attention and learning to recognize it.
But then, what is spirit communication?
I believe we all have a Spirit team guiding us in this lifetime (or any other). A guardian angel, spirit animals, spirit guides, whatever term(s) you feel resonate(s). Among mediums and people doing this research, it's pretty much established that when we die, our deceased loved ones and/or spirit team are there to receive us and guide us to the other side. So I think it's safe to say we also have some guidance during this lifetime. There are usually a few spirits connected and available to us at all times, to help us when we need them.
The way they communicate with us, is different for everyone. But usually, the easiest way for them to come through is either through dream state or through the sense that is most open for you.
For example, if you are a person very auditory oriented, it's likely spirit will choose that way to communicate with you and you might 'hear' voices.
In my case, I am a full blown empath and I literally 'feel' things are right or not right. I'm also a 'knower'. As a kid, I was always very eager to learn and 'know' stuff. And so that's also a way spirit comes through for me. Often I just know things, without there being any logical explanation to how I could know it.
If you're a very visual person, you might have really strong intuitive dreams, or you might even see things.
Consider this for yourself. Are you a feeler? A hearer? A seeer? A knower?
This corresponds with what we call the different "clairs" :
Clairsentience (recognizing feelings)
Claircognizance (knowing things)
Clairvoyance (seeing images)
Clair Hearing (hearing voices)
Becoming aware of these different possibilities will help you recognize your intuition more easily.