Self Love Challenge
Join the Self Love challenge
More self love.
During ten days you will get an e-mail from me, each day, so we can get you more love for yourself. Shifting negative beliefs, affirmations, and exploring others than your ‘standard’ emotions are just a few of the exercises I will guide you through!
More gratitude.
More gratitude for your own journey. More gratitude for who you are as a whole. The exercices during the challenge are designed to help you understand yourself on a deeper level.
100% Free.
Signing up to this challenge won’t cost you a dime. This challenge is designed to help you, for free. This is just my pure intention to help start you on this Self Love Journey.
Words carry energy. Also the words we speak to ourself. But in many cases, we are not aware of the kind of energy we use towards ourself. Being kinder and more loving towards ourself, will help us to elevate our vibration. It is no secret that more positivity, more love has a direct effect on the cells in your body, brain and energy field.
Use this challenge to reframe some of those limiting beliefs, to be kinder towards yourself and you’ll notice a direct effect on your energy vibration!