Why you should be grounding every day
As highly sensitive people, and even more so as highly spiritual people, one practice you have to implement as often as possible is grounding.
When you are more sensitive, your energy can be all over the place. Not only your energy, but your mind is running, your senses are overstimulated and it can become all just too much.
Grounding is about bringing that energy and that awareness back to your Self, to your body.
Grounding it helps you bring your awareness and consciousness back to this moment, here in this place, in this moment in time.
We are all part of this ecosystem here on Earth, and it's about reconnecting to your place in this ecosystem.
Grounding is not at all hard to do, as you will read in this article. Try out what you like best, what works for you, and do it whenever you feel your energy is a bit scattered.
But all in all, it's a great way to start and end any day.
From a vibrational point of view, grounding also helps raise the collective vibration of the earth. As you ground your vibration, your higher vibration into the Earth, you share this vibration with the collective. It's about grounding your light into the Earth grid. If this is done by many people of a higher frequency, it can help raise the collective vibration of the Earth, allowing more light to flow into the grids.
Why is it necessary?
For me there are two important reasons to ground. One is emotional/psychological, and the other is more on a physical level.
Grounding calms your mind
Sometimes anxiety strikes. Or we pick up on someone elses emotions and you don't know what to do. Some days you are just overwhelmed, and your mind is racing.
At these times, take a moment, and ground yourself.
When we are not grounded, we cannot connect properly.
You can't listen to your intuition, or receive signs from spirit. Because you'll A miss them, or B not understand them.
It's about bringing your awareness to your body. Bringing all of you back to you.
Grounding helps you to calm down your nervous system, to calm down your mind and to create a feeling of centeredness.
From that feeling of centeredness, you can reconnect to yourself and your intuition.
Being grounded reduces the cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for our fight or flight reaction. This means that grounding significantly helps you reduce your stress levels.
Grounding calms your nervous system
A few generations back, people were still a lot more phsyically connected to the Earth. Buildings weren't as high, and shoes were still made of natural leather instead of rubber. Of course, farming was also much more common than it is now.
So the moments throughout the day that people had physical contact with the Earth were much more. This physical connection is important because of the exchange of electrons between the earth's surface and our body.
The process of grounding, of physical contact with the Earth is calming to our nervous system, reduces inflammation in our body, improves circulation and helps bring nutrients and oxygen to the organs and cells in your body.
Get out of your mind, get into your body
What can you do to ground?
Physical contact with the earth, through your hands as you are gardening, planting etc. or through your feet as you walk on the grass barefoot.
Earthing is said to have a positive effect on reducing pain and most likely in reducing inflammation in the body. This is caused because of the exchange of free electrons between the earth (grass) and our body. These free electrons help our body's anti-oxidants in fighting free radicals. Free radicals are harmful to our cells and can create disease.
Lots of online resources on Earthing to be found on google.
In my experience, grounding is not only about the physical contact with the Earth. It’s also about bringing your awareness back to your body, in the present moment. Movement can be a way to clear your head and reconnect to your body. For example running, dancing, walking, yoga,… can all be ways to ground yourself through movement.
Pay attention that you are not pushing your body. It's not about pushing it to the limit, it's about bringing awareness to the movement. Pay attention to how the movement feels, how your feet touch the ground, how the air feels on your face. When you go for a walk, notice how you move as you go, feel the muscles in your body.
When you use visualisation to ground, you are using your emotions to change your energy.
There are a few different visualisation you can do.
For example visualising yourself as a tree. Visualise roots growing from your feet, going deep into the soil, connecting into the underground mycelium and meeting roots of other trees.
Visualise the roots going as deep into the earth as you possibly can.
You can also visualise an energetic cord from your feet, or from your bottom going down in the Earth. Use this moment to release any negativity you are holding, and replenish yourself with fresh new energy.
Become aware of how you are part of all life on this Earth and how you are connected to everything.
Meditation and visualisation may seem like the same thing, but it's not.
Certain meditations can be very grounding. And again, it's the same principle. Meditations by which you "scan" your body, for example, also bring that awareness down from your head to your body.
The challenge is to not start thinking negative about what's going on in your body, but to simply become aware of what your body is doing.
Grounding yourself does not have to take long if you do it regularly. It’s a great way to start and end your day, but also to calm down whenever things get a bit much.
Have a beautifully grounded day !