How the Akashic Records really work

Have you heard about the Akashic Records before?

The Akashic Records have always been described and visualised as some sort of huge library full of file cabinets or books, high up in the sky, holding all of the information about yourself, others and humanity as a whole.

To me, this library thing never felt quite right. I mean, that kind of visualization is just weird, it’s something a human would make up to try to make sense of the world. It’s like the image of God, as an old bearded man, high up on his cloud, looking down on all his human puppets. It’s never felt true for me.

So today I was on my morning run, and started thinking, so this Akashic Records thing, how does it really work? What’s the real story?

Sure enough, information started flowing. Even though I’m not a huge lover of running, somehow it gets me in that relaxed, connected state. It’s not the first time intuitive information comes through during the time I’m running.

So about the Akashic Records, here’s what my guides had to say:

it’s not some envisioned library, it’s simply the information stored in your higher self. All of the information about your soul. Your first life, your past lives, your soul family, your karma, … all of it. It’s stored in your own energyfield. I literally heard “it’s in your energy cord.”

So how come not everyone can access it?

Because it’s a different frequency that’s not yet available for everyone. That’s why some people can access that information, for themselves or for others, but it’s not open to everyone.

But the information is with everyone. Your soul possesses the information, it’s kept by your higher self.

So a medium can elevate their frequency to that of your higher self and thus access the information stored there.

What about the common Akashic Records, for the population, or different parts of it, how does that work?

Energy is stored in people/souls and in places. The Earth too holds energy. So information about people who have lived on the land in the past, or events that have taken place, would be stored in the energy of the land, the energy of the Earth itself.

Everything is energy and everything is frequency, even information.

It’s the same principle with everything : with spirits, with land energy, with spirit guides, with angels, … they are on a different frequency, it’s only about having the key to access it. Tuning into the same frequency. Then communication is possible.


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