Why you need to protect your energy and how

You may or may not believe it, but our world exists of more than what we perceive in our physical reality.

If you have a difficult time believing that, it may be because you can’t see it with your physical eyes. We’ve all been taught that something only exists if we can see it.

However, the reason you can’t see it, is because your consciousness or your awareness doesn’t allow it (yet).

As humanity we come from a period of much lower consciousness. This is changing and the general frequenty is leveling up.  The vibrational frequency of many people is raising. The vibration of most children being born in these times is higher than let’s say a hundred years ago. This is causing a massive spiritual awakening all over the planet.

This means that more and more people are becoming sensitive to energy, seeing energy and seeing all kinds of spirits. That’s freaky shit if you don’t know or understand what’s happening.

So, it’s important to get informed .

One of the things I wanted to talk about today is spiritual or energetic protection: the what, the how and the why.

Why do you need energetic protection?

Other people’s energy

As a kid I was already sensitive, and I would read others emotions as if they were my own. It wasn’t until about 10 years ago, when I was starting a new job in a new team that I felt something was off and started looking for answers. I was often overcome with a sad, empty feeling, lack of motivation, and just really off. It took me a while to realize that I only felt this way when one particular colleague was at the office. It dawned on me that the emotions I was feeling were not my own, but my colleague’s. I was picking up on the energy she was sending out. Once I had realized that, I started noticing the same thing with other people in other situations. I started noticing that I was really picking up on some people’s negativity and that it was dragging me down too. So learning to shield myself suddenly became very necessary.

When you become or are more sensitive (to energy), like HSP’s typically are, you will start picking up on other people’s energy too. And unfortunately not everyone has a happy vibe. Lots of people carry, consciously or unconsciously, a bunch of negativity around, or just lower vibration energy like anxiety, that they tend to project onto others.

So if you are more sensitive, you will pick up and possible in the beginning even attract this energy.

Environmental energy

Besides picking up on ‘live’ emotions, energy can also linger in places where lots of stuff happens or has happened, like in places with a long history, or when people have had serious and repeated arguments. Lingering energy is invisible, but when you visit such places it’s very well possible that you will feel it physically and/ or emotionally.

Spirit energies

Another issue that you can come across, is earthbound spirits. Spirits or souls of deceased people that have not moved into the light. In worst case scenarios spirits can attach themselves to you if you don’t have strong enough energetic boundaries.  Earthbound spirits are not the same as guardian spirits, those are spirits connected to the light and will do you no harm. They are, as the name says it all, essentially here to guide and protect you.

Earthbound spirits are a more lower vibrational energy, who don’t always mean harm, but it’s best to keep them outside of your energetic bubble.

There are many more energy forms we could discuss here, but the point is that they are all lower vibration energy, looking for another energy source to sustain them.

All of these things are reason enough to be careful with your own energy and about who or what you give access to it.

That’s basically what energetic protection is. It’s protecting your energy field from negative and unwanted influences, so you can keep your own vibration high.

How can you protect your own energy?

There are so many ways that you can protect your energy. But the key component is always INTENTION.

1. Visualization

One of the simples, easiest and probably most frequently used ways is visualization.

You can do this yourself, or listen to a guided meditation.

Basically you are visualizing a shield around your body, a few inches thick and about 50 cm from your physical body.

The shape this shield can take is completely up to you and to what you feel comfortable with.

You can envision a large glass protective bell jar around yourself, or you can see it in a more liquid form, or in a more energetic fluid way, you can imagine an egg-like shape around your body, it’s your call. Most people also see their shield in a certain color, like gold, or bright white, or warm pink, or even bluish – purple.

I suggest you try a few different things and see what resonates with you.

The way you build your shield is entirely personal, it’s the intention behind it that matters most. Obviously you are protecting yourself from unwanted negativity, but also here there are a few nuances to the exact intention behind your shield. Personally I will allow myself to pick up on the different energies, without being overwhelmed by them. I want my shield to inform me of what energy I am dealing with, but it can’t come close to me. It’s basically a filter, I can reach out, but the energy can’t come in.

You can also choose to let the shield completely block out anything, or only things not connected to the light.

If you’re not used to visualization yet, it may take a few practice round before you can easily and quickly call upon your shield. But the more you do it, the easier it will be.

Whenever you go outside, or if you are in a situation with a lot of different people around you, you take a moment, close your eyes, envision your shield and you will feel the energy settle down.

2. Tools : Essential oils and crystals

On top of visualization there are also a few tools that can empower your intention. They can give you a certain level of protection by themselves, but when you start combining different tools with visualization, it can become quite powerful.

Essential oils for example. Sage has been used for spiritual protection and clearing negative energy for thousands of years, so that’s definitely a classic. Also Cedarwood is a really good clearer of negativity and both of them together are even better. If you don’t have Sage, Rosemary is a good alternative.

Basil is an oil that will help you connect with your spirit guides and also bring more clarity and control in your emotions.

Pine is also great for protection, as it helps you create a filter from unwanted negative influences and prevents you from absorbing other people’s emotions.

So Pine and Basil are great oils for empaths, they help set boundaries and distinguish between what’s yours and what’s coming in from the outside.

Crystals are also a very powerful tool for protection against negativity.

Any black crystals with block negativity, but Black tourmaline for example is very well known for absorbing negativity. However since it actually absorbs the energy, it also means that you will have to clean the crystal itself on a regular basis.

Other crystals good for protection are clear quartz (I find they are a great energy balancer and they can really cut through negative cords), citrine and calcite.

Selenite helps you connect with protective spirits and guardian angels.

Amethyst can also actually help protect you from psychic attacks and can disperse negative energy.

Celestine is also one of my favorites because they help you connect to the angelic realm and get some extra back up from there.

3. Spirit Guides

I’ve talked about it in other blog posts, but I want to remind you that you are not alone. Everyone on this earth plane has a spirit companion that is assigned to help them. So let your spirit guide help you. Before you go into stressful situations, or if you feel like you could use some energetic support, call upon your guide. He or she will gladly assist you. They are here to help you in your personal growth and learning to shield is definitely part of that 

There is so much more to say about energetic protection. In this blog we’ve talked about protecting yourself, but the same techniques can be used for your car and your home for example. The idea is always to create clear boundaries when interacting in the world of energies.

I’ll post some of my favorite guided meditations below.

See you soon !


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